Exercise Coach Project

My “Exercise Coach Project” has also an attraction for the non technical committee  and is in interest of press. I have a number of interviews for newspapers, technical and non technical magazines and newsletter which you can find them in detail below (but they are in Turkish).

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Gazebo Diary -- A summary of last four month -- OPW internship

My internship journey finished after the last four great months. I have developed SDF editor for Gazebo which allows to modify the current world model by directly modifying the SDF file loaded in the memory. I have learned a lot, enjoyed more.. Nate Koenig which is my mentor for this internship is always with me with his valuable help in order to direct me though the project and answer my questions. It was my first time to be in such a great international project, working with a person on chat. Many thanks to open source community, many thanks to OPW for encouraging girls to participate in such organizations. I have tried to log my work in this blog. The codes can be found in https://bitbucket.org/binnur/gazebo/commits/all . As a future plan, I will continue on this project in order to make it ready for the next release of Gazebo. I will be very proud of it if I can achieve :)

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Gazebo Diary – Vol. 5 (SDF Validator-2)

Upon obtaining the XSD files generated for the SDF (Simulator Description Format) files of Gazebo, I have validated the text in the editor again the XSD files. If the text does not meet the format described by the XSD files, then the editor highlights the line that causes the error in red and shows an error message in the box located just below the editor.

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