Gazebo Diary – Vol. 4 (SDF Validator)

I have to validate the correctness of the SDF editor as the user enters new entries or change some parts of it. Since the SDF file is based on XML, I have to check for XML syntax first and then for the SDF syntax. For the XML validator, I found the Xerces C++ library which can be used to parse, manipulate and validate the XML files. It returns the line number where the error is occurred. I highlighted this line with red colour and print the error message in the widget just below the editor. In this way, the user can recognize his/her error while editing the SDF file.

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Gazebo Diary – Vol. 3 (SDF Selector)

The whole world model contains sdf description of each entity and gets longer and longer as the number of entity in the world model increases.  A user may get confused while he wants to modify the sdf of the only one entity (let’s say table length).  That’s why, I applied the following.

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Gazebo Diary – Vol. 2 (Integration of SDF editor)

In Gazebo simulator, Simulation Description Format (SDF) defines the world model of the simulation. It describes the objects in the simulation with their physical and visual properties. SDF is an XML-based description language, so that we can change the world description by using a simple text editor. With Gazebo SDF Editor, we aim to change the description of the simulation while simulation is running. I added the SDF editor which shows the sdf file of the current world model which is loaded from the memory. It is shown in the below image.

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Accepted to OPW internship !!

I have just been accepted for the OPW internship for the 7th round. You can find detailed information about the OPW internship program and the participating organizations and accepted interns for the current period. I will work with OSRF  (Open Source Robotic Foundation) for the Gazebo project. I will integrate a SDF editor to Gazebo in order to allow changes in the model while the simulation is running. I wish I can do my best and develop a feature which the users can benefit. I feel excited to be in such a great internship period with wonderful people. Thanks to everyone for their helps in advance !

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Gazebo Diary - Vol. 1 (warming up to Gazebo)

Gazebo GUI does not fit into my laptop and annoyingly I cannot adjust it with the setSize method. Although, it is not related to SDF editor project, I have to fix it in order to interfere with the panel which contains  simulation pause/continue buttons and run time information etc. :) After playing around Qt methods and classes, I could not find a nice solution. However, I have a workaround, I use setFixedSize method instead of resize and it handles the window size properly but qsplitter does not work properly which may be handled later on. Now, I am ready to add a text editor to gazebo. I see that it can easily be added to code by using building editor code as an example. I am studying how editors are embedded in the GUI by playing with building editor.

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